Making Mentoring Work for Your Organisation
We all know that mentoring has many benefits for individuals and organisations involved. We've compiled a list of 10 beneficial mentoring uses within an organisation.
1. Developing New Leaders
Identify top talent and transition them smoothly into leadership roles by pairing them with your top senior talent.
2. Retaining and Finding Top Talent
With over 60% of employees looking to leave their roles this year, mentoring programs play a crucial part in an organisation’s growth.
3. On-Boarding
Onboarding new talent can be time-consuming and challenging to coordinate; matching new talent with your more experienced and knowledgeable employees allows your mentoring program to do the work for you.
4. Strengthen Company Culture
Organisations with mentoring programs in place have seen an uplift in productivity by nearly 70%; it makes sense that your future budget planning incorporates mentoring. Top talent seeks out organisations that care about them as an individual and their career progression.
5. Gaining New Perspectives
We navigate the world, making decisions based on many factors, including our own lived experiences, environment, education and upbringing. Gaining new perspectives contributes to personal growth and assists with identifying opportunities that otherwise may have been overlooked, leading to more informed decision making.
6. Skill Sharing
Like the onboarding approach, matching individuals with different departments can diversify your teams’ skills and knowledge.
7. Graduate Programs
Mentoring programs provide a platform to guide graduates when applying their new learnings to their career journey.
8. Improve Diversity
Research has found that Mentoring improves critical factors that build a healthy culture, with diversity and inclusion emerging as essential drivers for culture change; mentoring allows all individuals to feel heard, seen and valued equally.
9. Improve Employee Engagement
Engaging employees is becoming more complex with new generations entering the workforce; mentoring allows employees to access different skill sets, knowledge, and experience, including reverse mentoring, contributing to a more collaborative and better employee experience.
10. Succession planning
Like career progression, succession planning is a natural part of the growth and maturity of a business; mentoring enables leaders and organisations to be guided through the complex and challenging process of planning the future direction of a leader and organisation.
Organisations with mentoring programs in place have seen an uplift in productivity by nearly 70%; it makes sense that your future budget planning incorporates mentoring.
Recapping the Ten Beneficial Uses of Mentoring
Implementing a mentoring program can cost as little as $6 per user for a minimum of 100 employees; if you calculate the cost to the bottom line of recruitment and losing top talent in the business compared to implementing a mentoring program; there is no choice but to implement a mentoring program, therefore, making mentoring a part of "business as usual."
Sallina Jeffrey
Founder & CEO
The Mentoring Movement