"A mentor provides support by offering information, advice and assistance in a way that empowers the mentee"
~ Julie Starr
There are various types of mentoring to choose from that can be used within your organisation. The mentoring type ultimately depends on the objectives and goals you're trying to meet, with each kind proving beneficial.
1 One-on-One Mentoring
This mentoring is considered the traditional method where a pair of individuals (one is a mentor, the other is a mentee) enter a mentoring relationship to help support and guide the mentee. One-on-One mentoring relationships usually consist of the mentor who typically has more experience and knowledge in a specific area that the mentee wants to improve.
2 Reverse Mentoring
Reverse mentoring is when someone in a more junior position mentors their senior within the workplace. This mentoring encourages knowledge sharing across the organisation.
3 Virtual Mentoring
With more people than ever before working from home, virtual mentoring is something all businesses should consider. This mentoring style is done virtually, which makes it more accessible for every individual within the organisation.
4 Peer Mentoring
This mentoring style is when colleagues of a similar age or experience level take turns acting as the mentor; this mentoring is all about creating a support and learning eco-system.
5 Group Mentoring
This specific type of mentoring involves a singular mentor working with various mentors within a group environment. This style allows for more mentees to be reached and supported in a shorter period and is helpful for organisations that have a limited number of good mentors available. Group mentoring also allows the individuals to participate within a group setting, thus improving teamwork skills.
To be a mentor and an effective one, one must care. ~ Maya Angelou
Organisations are experiencing challenges around engaging multiple generations in the workforce and the balancing act of achieving organisational goals and motivating their workforce simultaneously. Mentoring has improved critical factors in organisations, including diversity and inclusion, productivity, engagement, retention and career progression. Mentoring programs can be structured and designed to suit any organisational vision, objectives and goals leading to a more improved employee experience.